lundi 5 octobre 2015

Better-Butt Challenge Day 1: Boost Your Backside With Weights

Publié par Unknown

Our Better-Butt Challenge has 21 days of workouts to help you take your butt from flat to full. In the end, you'll have a tighter, stronger backside.

This quick and effective workout will build butt muscle while working your entire body. Adding dumbbells means extra work for your glutes and that extra work is what builds the muscle. Grab a pair of dumbbells, between five and 15 pounds.

Directions: After warming up with five minutes of light cardio, do each three-move circuit twice, performing eight reps of each move. End with three minutes of stretching to cool down.

This workout is around 25 minutes long, including warmup and cooldown.

from POPSUGAR Fitness

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