dimanche 7 juin 2015

What Could Cause Foot Pain and How to Tackle the Discomfort?

Publié par Unknown
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Foot pain is one of the most awful moments of our life. We never wish our feet to get hurt and pain; still we get painful feet. A number of factors such as illness and medical disorder lead to foot problems. Each foot has 26 bones, many nerves, tissues, ligaments, and muscles. It is our foot that balances our body. So a painful foot means problem walking, standing and even sitting. When you are experiencing discomfort in your foot, you must not neglect it; rather try to find the cause of the problem.
I have listed below some of the most common causes of foot problems. Have a look.
It is a type of arthritis which leads to inflammation in one of the foot joints. You will have gouts if uric acid gets accumulated in a particular area of your foot. One of your joints will swell and you will be unable to walk or run properly. Since gout is hereditary, try to find if someone in your family has this type of arthritis. If yes, immediately consult with a podiatrist to find whether you can develop gout.
If your sugar level goes high and you have diabetes then your feet might get affected too. Your feet will become stiff and you cannot move freely and feel the pain when walking. If you suspect you are having diabetes, you must consult with your doctor to lower the pain.
Foot injuries
Sometime excessive workout is not good for your feet. It will lead to long-term problems and swelling. Athletes who do excessive exercise and weightlifting are more prone to foot injuries. Putting excessive pressure on your foot leads to either minor or severe muscle sprains. Some common types of foot injuries are:
Sprained ankle
If your ankle ligaments get overstretched you will have a sprained ankle causing mild to chronic pain, and giving you many sleepless nights. Your ankle might get sprained due to excessive workout or training. So once you feel the pain, it is a good idea to consult a podiatrist to get relieve from the pain as quickly as possible.
Plantar Fasciitis
If your heel suddenly starts paining, it might be because of Plantar Fasciitis, a medical condition where the tissues in your heel gets torn. You will experience intense pain due to tearing of the underlying tissues or inflammation. Mostly athletes suffer from this kind of injury due to repeated stresses during sport events.
Achilles Tendinitis
This condition causes pain along the back of your leg near the heel area. Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in our body. It helps us walk, run, and jump. Due to repeated acts like running, jumping or walking for longer periods, Achilles Tendinitis happen because of degeneration of Achilles tendon.
Ingrown toenails
If you find your toe nails growing surrounding your toe, it might be because of ingrown toenails problem. It causes swelling, soreness and even infection. You must visit your doctor to find whether you are suffering from ingrown toenails problem.
Is your shoes right for you?
In many cases, podiatrists have found increasing foot pains related to wearing tight-fitting shoes. For example, tight-fitted shoes lead to bunions when your big toe gets deformed. The condition leads to intense pain in the foot. You may also develop corns and calluses due to constant rubbing of your feet against the side of your shoes. You therefore need to wear shoes that are perfect for your feet without causing any discomfort or irritation.
Important questions to ask
Your foot is as important as any other body part. So, you need to take proper care of your foot. Ask the following questions:
  • Do I regularly expose my feet to sunlight, air, etc.?
  • Am I wearing tight-fitting shoes?
  • Will I continue skipping wearing socks when wearing shoes?
  • How often I wear high heels?
  • Am I experiencing pain when walking or standing on high heels?
  • Am I giving enough time to my feet for rest?
  • Do I regularly pamper my feet?
If you find most of the answers negative then it is clear you are not taking enough care of your feet. You are most likely to develop one or the other symptoms causing foot pain. You can reduce chances of foot problems by taking good care of your feet and not wearing shoes that hurt.
Vikash Rock has been researching on foot pain which is the primary source of pain of people today. After a lot of research on various shoes he found MBT physiological footwear to be the one to reduce and even make pain invisible in many cases.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vikash_Rock

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8922077

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