samedi 27 juin 2015

Fun and Weird Facts About Insects

Publié par Unknown
• Two billion people consume insects daily, living mostly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
• It is rumoured that crickets can tell the outside temperature: Count the number of chirps they make in one minute, divide by 4, and then add the number 40 to reach it.
• There are about 1,900 known species of edible insects available.
• Insects are among the most diverse group of animals in the world, with over 1 million known species living. That amounts to over half of all known animals. As far as estimations go, there are 6 to 10 million species of insects on the planet, most of which have not been discovered yet.
• It is estimated that there are 10 quintillion insects - or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 - alive on earth at any given time.
• The most popular species of edible insects are, in descending order, beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, locusts and crickets.
• The FDA already accepts as much as 60 insect fragments per 100 grams of chocolate, so you have probably been eating insects for longer than you think.
• Entomophagy is the practise of eating insects. Entomon derives from Greek and means "insect(ed)", literally " cut in two", referring to an insect's segmented body. Phagein means "to eat", hence, "insect eating".
• The Jumbo supermarket chain in the Netherlands has already started selling ready meals containing insects, in 800 of it's supermarkets.
• Crickets are considered to be a sign of good luck in many cultures including Japanese and Chinese.
• Unlike most other animal species, insects have an exoskeleton, which protects them from the environment.
• They are cold- blooded, they reproduce rapidly and live in big populations.
• They metamorphose and can adapt to the seasonal changes around them.
• Many insects do not require their parents to look after them.
• Locusts are able to eat their weight in food in only one day. People eat their body weight in 6 months.
• Honeybees actually have hair on the eyes.
• Female crickets can't chirp, only male crickets can chirp.
• 8 out of 10 animals living on our planet are insects.
• A snail is able to sleep for years consecutive years without waking up.
• Some worms in Australia are more than 1 m 20 cm long.
• The total weight or all termites living on our planet is 10 times more than the weight of all humans put together
• The heaviest insect on the planet weighs an astonishing 70g.
Find out more about edible insects, why they are a healthy and sustainable protein source, go to
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